I had intended that this drawing be my submission for Illustration Friday this week. Unfortunately, when it was all said and done, I didn't think that it really fit with this week's topic of "sorrow". It was supposed to show the sorrow that a kid is having after the robot, which he created to do his homework for him, revolts, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. I didn't add all the elements that I had originally planned (a few homework papers on the ground, a torn book or two, a mangled backpack, etc.), which really would have helped to bring the concept together, but Survivor was on TV tonight. So there!
I haven't posted links in a while, so I thought I'd take a moment and post some local goodies that I've discovered lately.
Local Austin Illustrator Keith Graves
Local Austin artist Jay Long
Local Austin illustrator Don Tate (he also has a blog)
Staple Austin! is March 5th. It's sole purpose is "...
purpose of promoting the display and barter of independent creative media".
I want to attend Cafeteria Chaos! It's in a REAL school cafeteria and will be serving REAL cafeteria food... jr. high all over again. JOY!
Though this isn't local, the Random Comic Strip Generator is fun.
# posted by Jared Chapman @ 2/24/2005 08:11:00 PM