September 07, 2004
Spoils of a Holiday Weekend: "Fall is coming"
Hope everyone had a nice Holiday weekend. I know I did. We didn't do much, but it was nice to have that option. Yesterday, during an impromptu trip around the local shopping center, I purchased a couple DVD sets. The first was the 2nd Season of Rocky & Bullwinkle. I watched the first episode last night and laughed a number of times; a success in my book. My other purchase would probably be considered controversial by other people. I bought the first season of that lively alien sitcom, ALF. Though some people find this show to be annoying and quite "nerdy", I loved it as a kid... and I still do. While watching the pilot episode last night, I realized that the show takes a lot of liberties. It never explains how and/or why ALF, having just landed on this strange planet only hours earlier, is so accustomed with everyday human life. Maybe they'll explain it throughout the season... I still have 24 episodes to go.
After walking out of the store with my sack of digital joy in hand, I began to feel bad about myself. "I'm such a geek! I just bought ALF on DVD! How will I ever be able to look my family and friends in the eyes again?" Just then, the clouds parted and God himself said "Jared, look to your left... NOW!" I turned my head to find a normal turquoise colored Toyota parked near my vehicle. On the back bumper, placed in a manor in which to attract attention, was a simple white-text-on-black-background "Xena for President" bumpersticker. A smile spread across my face. I could by every ALF season that comes out on DVD and still be cooler than that guy.