July 19, 2004

My how long it has been: "Science Geeks are the Best Type of Geek" ... There hasn't been a whole lot going on down here in Austin for us. The usual schedule has been get up, go to work, come home, work on diffrent things, go to bed, rinse and repeat. I've been seeing a lot of good portfolio sites online. They remind me that I need to 1) remake my own pitiful website, and 2) work harder to improve as an artist. I've been drawing a lot these past few week and I attribute the Pencil Haus for that. Having the company of two other fine artist has kept me motivated to develop this craft that I love more and more. I hit a wall this weekend, and didn't even pick up a pencil... oh well. I tend to operate in cycles anyways. The frenzy of creativity is followed by a recouping period... I'm recouping now. Hopefully I'll crawl out of this slump soon. I've been having fun at work though. Lately I've done several character designs... the Science Geeks above are the most recent. Creating character designs and illustrations in Flash has quickly become one of my favorite pasttimes... tinkering in Painter is right on it's heels though.

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