April 01, 2004
Today's April's Fools jokes (Clockwise L to R): "Burp", "Four Squares and a Psychedelic Ball", "I Don't Care What the Hermit Crabs Say, Little Boys Belong At School!" ... Yesterday at work, the staff of Ignite! retired to the parking lot for a rousing game of "Four Squares" (see today's sketch). The object is simple. Four people stand in four squares (one in each). One person then serves the ball to another, who then, after one bounce, hits the ball to another, etc. I play up high, whereas it's a "low man's" game. Everyone at Ignite is good at this game... Everyone execpt me. Now I know why I went to art school. ... Mike, of "Weird things from Mike's Desk" fame, introduced me to a jolly link today. Watch and try not to wet yourself. Caution: Rough Lyrics ... Check out the new Batman ATV from the upcoming film... at least I think it's an ATV... it's missing the Bars and Stars on the roof and a raccoon tail hanging from the antenna though. ... Bill Gates and Martha Stewart had a love child. This how that love child has been spending it's time.