April 18, 2004

Sunday Brunch: "The Second Visit of the Hospitality Pineapple" ... Back in East Texas we have deer and on the occasional frosty morn, you may catch a glimpse of the majestic bunch. You know they are there, but you just don't see them on a regular basis. Deer down here in central Texas is something of absurdity. We see them everywhere... in the empty lot next to the grocery store, a few yards away from an extremely busy highway, etc. We thought we had seen it all. That was until this weekend. Saturday, Amanda and I hopped in the truck and explored a bit of this land in which we live. While driving through a friendly looking neighborhood, we were suddenly dumb founded by what we saw. In the yard of a pleasant house, as if they were casual dogs or cats, sat fourteen deer. Does, to be exact. The looked up at us, then modestly, as if not to be rude, slipped back into their mid afternoon trances. It was the strangest, most random thing I have seen in quite a while. I'm gonna have to start carrying my camera around with me. ... This afternoon, we took in a screening of the new film HellBoy. I wasn't sure what to expect. I like the director, Del Torro, and I like the comic from where the whole thing came. Kat Evans, a friend and former professor of mine, worked on the film and had been telling me that it was good. As we left the theater, we talked about what we had just seen. We both agreed that we liked it... a lot. It surpassed anything I could have hoped for. Kudos to all those involved... and to the theater concession employee, who sold me the wonderful Starburst.

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