April 07, 2004
An outlandish claim for the day: "Mr. Tilton, grab your hat and put on your Sunday best, for we're going strolling in the Easter Parade!"
Here's a fun site from Nathan J. It's Called Scary Girl and it's lots of fun!
Several artists I like have gotten together with a toy company and created versions of their works that you can actually play with. What fun!
Here are a few model sheets of a cool concept from Eddie @ FWAK. They're so cool... I can't wait to see more.
If these are the spokes-characters for Mankind, I feel sorry for Mankind.
These cars are soooo cool!
Mike (of "Weird Things from Mike's Desk" fame) has a blog. You can read it here and gather a small inkling into the complex galoot that is BigSleep.
Things are still drying out here in Austin. Monday night we had a flood and got 5 inches of rain. My truck was parked 3 feet from my front door (literally). I got soaked trying to get into it. The inside still smells like wet feet and corn nuts... I haven't eaten corn nuts in years.