March 30, 2004

Today's regurgitated color selections (clockwise L to R): "Damn Birds", "Skinny and Angry, So Leave Me Alone", "I've Never Seen You Before", and "I'm Green and I Feel Sick" ... Working at an educational software company is pretty cool. When I work on storyboards, I get to read the script for that particular lesson and learn all sort of things I have either forgotten over time, or never picked up on to begin with. The downfall is that I do so many storyboards over the coarse of the day and see so many different scripts, that my facts get all jumbled up, leaving me in a worse state than I started off in. ... Here's a pretty funny site about all things confusing and stupid. It's called This Is Broken . ... Have you ever said to yourself, "My life would be sooo much better if only I could get my hands on a Action Comics #1"? Sadly, you can't get your hands on one, but you CAN read one online. Feast your eyes on this! ... I picked up a copy of Painter today. Hopefully I'll learn all sorts of wonderful things with it.

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