March 24, 2004
Today's additions (L to R): "Jared, Amanda, and Daisy: Totem Number One" and "I dunno"
Nickelodeon announced today their plans for their next batch of feature films. SpongeBob will get his own flick as well as a Might Mouse film directed by action director John Woo... hmm... that should be some intense animated violence.
Right now, between the job and the other random things I do to fill my time, I've been working on a comic. Well, it's not really a comic. I mean, it is a single page... not a complete book. What I mean to say is that it's a series of one page comics... It's called "The Everyday Shaming of No One In Particular". It's about life and the little humiliating experiences we go through. I go through a lot... I should have a lot to write about... now that I've gotten that out, I'm exhausted.
Hilarious and oddly amusing toy series here. Take a look and ask yourself Why.