February 17, 2004

Yesterday afternoon, I got to work on the new version of my website . This one is gonna be a lot better than the old version that I have up now. The new version will probably make the old version jealous. ... For the past several weeks, ABC has been running commercials on their station promoting Diane Sawyer's big interview with Mel Gibson on Primetime . The big event, though held several days prior, went down last night for the American audience. The reason for the interview was to get Gibson's take on his new film The Passion of the Christ and to talk about all the controversy it has been causing lately. For an hour I sat and watched, listening to every question Sawyer tossed at Gibson and impressed by the way in which he handled them. I felt he was very honest. He didn't try to dance around the questions or point any fingers at what his adversaries were saying or doing. Will I be going to see this movie, of coarse I will. Would I have gone if I heard things I didn't agree with come from Gibson's mouth, sure I would have, but after watching the interview, I have a peace about the film. I think, prior to having watched it and based only on what I've read and seen of Gibson and the actors in the film, that he has done what he set out to do; to show us God's love by giving us the Ultimate Gift, His Son. ... By the way, does anyone even read this blog? Are my efforts for nothing more than my own amusment? Email me if you do read this... I'd love to hear from you.

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