February 12, 2004

Valentine's Day is almost here! I really like Valentine's Day... for two reasons. The first, because I like doing nice things for Amanda. But Jared, you should do nice things for you wife year round. That's true and I'm happy to say that I do... or at least I try. Even with having said that, I still like the idea of having a single set date just to spoil your sweetheart. It's fun. The second reason is totally visual, and because I'm an artist and I'm married TO A WOMAN, I don't feel bad about saying this: I like the colors. I really enjoy the reds and pinks and how they compliment each other. Growing up, Valentine's day was one of the best of the year in school. The classroom was saturated in the warm colors of romance, school was cut short so that you as a class could have a party, and their was always cool specials on TV that night ( Peanuts Specials were and still are my favorite). Even though Valentine's Day is just that, only a day, you could still enjoy the spoils of the event for several weeks after by feasting on those tiny, message inscribed, chalk hearts. ... Going back to what I said earlier about the Peanuts TV Specials, I was incredibly excited to see that they have several online shorts that you can view from their website. When I was young, every holiday was marked by the Peanuts show I watched. For several of the holidays, the festivities never started for me until I watch the correlating special. The same holds true for me now.

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