February 13, 2004

sniff, sniff... Do you smell that? That, my friend, is the scent of freedom. It's Friday. ... I don't know if you've been keeping up with the news lately, but if you haven't, you've been missing quite a showdown between cable company Comcast and entertainment force Disney... more specifically, Comcast and Disney Chairman and CEO Michael Eisner. Let me give you the scoop in a condensed form: Eisner is looney. Comcast wants to buy Disney. Eisner shakes fist and says "No!". Comcast tries to go around Eisner, and talk to the Disney shareholders. Eisner plays fiddle while Disneyland burns. That's it in a nutshell... well, except the last part. That'll happen once Eisner looses his job and is forced out. I don't care what happens as long as Eisner steps down and Roy Disney is back in. You can help Roy's cause to drive the Devil (a.k.a. Eisner) out of the House of Mouse. Sign the petition at SaveDisney.com. ... Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I have a few plans for my sweetheart... maybe I'll talk about them later. ... Here's an intresting little tidbit that was reported at CartoonResearch.com. I'm kinda creeped out by the concept.

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